The Institute

From Basic Science to Innovation in Human Performance and Health

Physical activity is one of the most effective interventions for prevention of many non-communicable diseases (e.g. respiratory, cardiovascular or metabolic diseases) and for enhancing recovery from immobilization or trauma. Even though the positive impact of exercise is well described at the phenomenological level, much less is known about the mechanisms that mediate its health-promoting effects across all age-ranges.

The Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport (IBWS) performs cutting edge research to investigate the mechanisms underlying adaptation and learning in response to physical activity, exercise and training, as well as to detraining and non-use.

Members of the IBWS are committed to translating fundamental insights derived from animal models and basic science experiments in healthy human volunteers to evidence-based health- and/or performance-relevant interventions that can be applied in the context of rehabilitation, prevention or athletic training. Together with partners in science, clinics and industry, the IBWS fosters multidisciplinary research and out-of-the box thinking to drive conceptual, clinical and technological innovation in the field.

Educating Bachelor, Master and PhD students is a central part of the Institute’s mission with the goal to provide a wide knowledge base in the area of movement sciences and sport, whilst nurturing critical, evidence-based thinking and problem-solving in laboratory and clinical settings. With the Physical Education Teacher Training for Secondary Schools and the Teacher Training in Health Sciences and Technology, the Institute qualifies students who have completed their MSc in Health Sciences and Technology as educators who disseminate the latest knowledge within society and inspire pupils across Switzerland to study at ETH. Similar emphasis is put on the PhD training that prepares young scientists for a career in academia, or research and development in industry and clinics.

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